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The 7 Deadly Sins of Hiring In A Labor Shortage

Writer's picture: Desiree GrosmanDesiree Grosman

The labor shortage is a very real issue that plagues the home service industry today. The problem is, most companies are doing a poor job at finding and hiring people who really want to work.

Here are 7 deadly sins that home service businesses commit when they're hiring new employees.

The 7 Deadly Sins of Hiring in a Labor Shortage

Hiring Too Quickly

With the current labor shortage, home service companies are quick to hire the first person who walks in the door. The problem is that people who are hired quickly often don't stay for a long time or aren't the best fit for the job.

You may feel desperate to fill the position fast — but hiring, training and retaining are all expensive.

It's in your best interest to wait to hire until you find someone who will be a good fit. Or at the very least, find the right personality who is eager to learn and can develop skills for the role over time.

Failing To Train New Hires

One of the biggest mistakes home service companies make is treating employees like they already know everything about the business.

Sure, some people do know a lot about the industry or their trade when they walk in the door. But they've never worked for YOUR company before. They don't know your systems or your processes.

Skipping the onboarding and training process is the fastest way to turn new hires into unhappy ex-employees. They'll have trouble doing what you expect of them, and that will be discouraging for them and frustrating for you.

Hiring and Onboarding Statistics

Hiring Family And Friends

Many home service companies are already small, family-owned and operated businesses. And if this is your company, you already know how challenging it can be to work with those closest to you!

Hiring family and friends can backfire in a number of ways. First, there's the obvious issue that you know your family and friends better than any candidate who walks in the door. Because of the familiarity, sometimes it's easier for them to approach you with unwelcome suggestions or criticisms on how to run your business. This can create conflict, jealousy and trust issues.

There can also be problems with conflicts of interest and favoritism. Other employees may feel like your family member or friend gets special treatment or doesn't work as hard.

Be cautious when hiring family or friends. Make sure to set clear boundaries and expectations from the get-go, and don’t be afraid to politely end the professional relationship when the time comes.

Not Following Up After Interviews

Another big mistake companies make when hiring is not following up after an interview. This sends the wrong message, and shows candidates that you don't value the time and effort it took for them to come in and meet with you. And in this tight market, burning bridges can be a costly mistake.

You might get back to a candidate you like too late, after they've already agreed to another offer.

Or, even if you chose not to hire that person now, you might need or want to hire them down the road. But at this point, you've already shown that communication and follow up aren't your strong suit, and that might give them a negative impression of your company.

Not finding enough quality candidates? Read this: The Most Powerful Way To Find New Employees FAST

Failing To Do Reference Checks

Failure to follow up on references is another pitfall when hiring. It's so easy to call someone who has worked with your candidates in the past, but many people don't bother. They figure if someone is still working, they must be good at their job.

But if you want an honest view of what someone is really like to work with, then check in with their past employers. You'll find out more than just whether or not they were late. You can learn how well they get along with others, how they handle stress and challenges, how they communicate, their attention to detail, and if they're easy to manage.

These are all important details to know about someone who will be representing your business to customers.

Not Checking In With New Hires

Meeting with new hires to see how they're progressing is an important part of ongoing professional development. It's a great way to check in and find out if there are any issues or things you could be doing better as a company.

If you have an employee who isn't performing well, this gives you an opportunity to correct the issue before it becomes a problem. This can save you a ton of money and time by avoiding more turnover.

If you have an employee who is doing great work, you can use this time to recognize and reward them for their efforts. It's likely they'll feel appreciated, which could encourage them to continue performing well in the future.

Not Having A Solid Plan For The Interview

A successful interview leads to a successful new employee. But what happens when you're so busy that you simply don't have the time to do a thorough interview?

When you're in this position, it may be tempting to just wing it and go through the motions. You'll ask some questions about their work experience, then talk about your company, and explain a little about the position if there's time.

But remember, an interview is not only for deciding if someone is right for the job – it's also how candidates decide whether or not they want to work for your home service business!

And with a limited supply of applicants, it's important that you sell them on the benefits of working for your company.

Having a good plan for your interviews will help ensure each candidate gets enough attention so both of you can make a proper decision.

If you're pressed for time, at least make sure to ask the right, open-ended interview questions and take notes of their answers. This way, when they come in for a second interview, you can remember who they are and get more details that will help you decide if they're the right fit for your company.

Open Ended Job Interview Questions

I hope this helps you better understand the mistakes some homeowners make when hiring so you can avoid them.

Staying away from these pitfalls can help smooth out the recruiting and interviewing process, which in turn will lead to more loyal employees who stick around longer.

What do you do that makes the hiring process easier on yourself or potential employees? Tell me in the comments so others can learn from your success!

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